Monday, May 9, 2011

Going Bananas!~

I read in a popular women's magazine, a recipe for homemade conditioning treatment for your hair, supposed to leave it shiny and wonderful, etc.

I have long thick hair which is near and dear to me, always looking for ways to take care of it on a budget.

The recipe was sooooo simple!

1 banana
1 Tbsp olive oil
1 Tbsp honey

All three common items to find in my kitchen, so I was excited!

I did some more research and found that even Dr.Oz recommends the fruity mask, siting elasticity, shine, nourishment! All good things!

The instructions simply stated, mix until creamy, thoroughly saturate hair, cover with saran wrap for an hour, rinse well.

It didn't say anything about whether your hair should be clean or dirty, wet or dry, so I asked a cosmetology friend of mine and she confirmed my assumption that it is supposed to be 'conditioning' so put on shampooed, damp hair, then rinse as instructed. Great! Easy right??! :/

All went well, until the 'rinse.' Banana is not exactly a fan of the exit.

I mixed the ingredients, a lot! It was very creamy, the consistency of shampoo! I rinsed as instructed, but seriously, there was still a lot of banana! So I rinsed some more... and some more.... still Chiquita!

I finally took an entire shower, shampooed and all. When I took the towel off my head, I could still see banana!! I combed, I brushed, I washed and rinsed some more. Ugh.

So now that my hair was washed twice after the banana mask, I styled the next morning as usual. I do not notice any abundance of shine or anything else impressive, but maybe I washed the improvements away??!!

Yes, there is still some banana in my hair. I don't recommend. :(


  1. So funny, Cherilyn. At the beginning, I was all--Girl, put this up on the Making Home Work blog-- now I'm just laughing. :)

  2. It is a funny story! I guess there are worse things that could be stuck in my hair! :/
